If you’re anything like me, the beginning of the year is always about trying to do better. Better than what, you ask? For the most part: December.
We always seem to spend way too much and eat way too much at the end of the year. Which actually helps motivate me to want to be better.
So, I’ve compiled some of our favorite healthy dinners that are family friendly and delicious. Now, I’m not claiming that these will help you lose weight or be the solution to everyone’s problems. But they are good options, and there’s quite a variety. Both Janelle and I are real people and have real families that we feed this food to. We like it, and most of the time our families do too. I hope you find something that you and your family will like too.
You can also check out more of our Main Dishes or our Salads.

Cashew Chicken and Broccoli with Noodles

Grilled Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches

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